Bun in the Oven? Your Coils React.


What the bun is happening to your hair?

Bringing a new life into this world is no small feat. A whole human is being formed inside of you! The effort that goes into creating a new life takes a huge toll on your body. As with most changes within your body, pregnancy may affect your hair.

During pregnancy,  the body goes through many hormonal changes, one of these being  an increase in progesterone. Progesterone is a steroid hormone. It is the hormone that prepares the body for a potential pregnancy and sustains a pregnancy after conception. Progesterone is a key component of pregnancy during all stages, and it’s presence in your body has one of the most noticeable effects on your hair.

With the increase in progesterone levels in your body, your hair cycle changes. This increase causes the growth phase of your hair to go in for longer than it usually would. So, yes! That new growth isn’t a coincidence - that’s your pregnant body doing its thing. And the perks don’t stop there.

This increase in progesterone not only extends the growth period of your hair, but it also “prevents” the hairs that would typically shed (it's normal for ~10% of your hair to shed periodically) from doing so. So ― not only is your hair growing for a longer period of time, but it’s also being retained for a fuller and thicker look. Come through hair!

Take a look at our curated hair care list below on what to expect when expecting:

1. Manage that mane Mama (to be): That new growth and volume can be difficult to manage, especially when you’re preoccupied with, you know, making a whole human! Don’t worry your Glimmer 411 fam has some tips to make this part of your hair journey seamless.

2. Protective Styling : Full coverage protective styles are a great way to manage your pregnancy hair easily. Styles like box braids, twists with extensions, or faux locs are perfect for keeping your hair away months at a time. You’re always a ponytail away from being on the move. Protective styles allow you to protect your hair for long periods of time without sacrificing looking good.

3. Simplicity: During your pregnancy, your hair will likely be in its best state to date. You’ll be able to afford to skip some parts of your pre-pregnancy routine. Don’t stress yourself with the tea rinses, hair treatments, and anything else that makes your wash day longer than it needs to be. Stick to detangling, washing, deep conditioning, and simple styles. Keep your hair moisturized as needed.

4. Be Careful What You Consume: We aren’t doctors, but we are certain when we say everything that goes in and out of your body has an effect on your hair! We know that it can be difficult to be mindful of what you consume during pregnancy, however you have to try. Foods rich in protein, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and vitamins A and E will promote healthy hair, and they are good for a developing fetus. Also, stay hydrated with plenty of water.

Everyone’s pregnancy isn’t the same. You may not experience an increase in the rate of your hair growth or the volume of your hair. If you do we hope these tips ease some aspects of your pregnancy so that you have more time on your hands to enjoy the new life you’re bringing in to this world.

Curl Cupid™ Hair Quiz

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